I learned how to knit. And I loved it. True to Allie's word, knitting helped my concentration. I'm not the best knitter, nor am I the fastest knitter. But it gives me a sense of satisfaction and completion that sometimes eludes me when I'm having a hard time with my writing. I began knitting in classes, at conferences, and yes, even in church.
Knitting at the Denv
My encouragement to all of you is that if you do something like knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, or something else that's easy to bring along, bring it! And if you see me knitting, you won't have to wish you brought yours. You can take a seat next to me and knit along. I love meeting new knitting friends.
For more fun tips and information about the upcoming ACFW conference, you can visit these blogs:
Rick Acker http://rickacker.blogspot.com/ 6-Jun
Kit Wilkinson http://www.kitwilkinson.com/ & http://www.acfw.com/blog 6-Jun
Randy Ingermanson http://www.AdvancedFictionWriting.com/blog 7-Jun
Gayle Roper http://www.acfw.com/blog 7-Jun
Chip MacGregor http://chipmacgregor.com/ 8-Jun
Robin Miller http://www.robinswritingworld.blogspot.com/ 8-Jun
Terri Blackstock http://www.acfw.com/blog 9-Jun
Trish Perry http://trishperry.blogspot.com/ 9-Jun
Danica Favorite McDonald http://danicafavorite.blogspot.com/ 10-Jun
Susan May Warren http://susanmaywarren.typepad.com/scribbles/ 10-Jun
Colleen Coble http://girlswriteout.blogspot.com 11-Jun
Erica Vetsch http://onthewritepath.blogspot.com/ 11-Jun