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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

8 little known facts about me...

Jan tagged me, and because I like her, I'll play along. I'm so accomodating. :)

1. I'm actually very shy. No, really. Stop laughing. I fake it, because I'm embarrassed about being shy, but I really really really really am uncomfortable around people I don't know very well. I tend to do and say stupid things around those people because I'm so dang scared.

2. Even though I talk all the time about killing people, especially in books, I have never successfully accomplished it in my own stories.

3. I often fall asleep reading my Bible and praying. Ooops, there went all your thoughts on how "spiritual" I am.

4. I prefer British grammar and punctuation to American, even though I have never been to England, except to change planes. I did, however, spend most of my formative years reading books published in England.

5. I seldom initiate conversations, even with my friends. I'm fine once the conversation has been initiated, but I'll sit around awkwardly until someone gets the ball rolling.

6. I actually liked Scarlett O'Hara as a heroine.

7. I adore classical music, especially Beethoven and Bach, but can't identify any of the symphonies by name.

8. I have an irrational fear of most children's show characters. Most of them give a creepy vibe and I suspect them of being predators. Which is the real reason I don't allow my children to watch certain shows.

As always, feel free to play along. Let me know if you've played, so I can learn something new about you!


Jana said...

We totally have 1, 3, and 5 in common. LOL I always feel so bad about 3, though. I need to move my Bible study to a time when I'm not in bed but it's the only time of the day when there aren't any outside influences distracting me...unless you call sleep and outside distraction!

Danica Favorite said...

I feel bad about it too, but I'm praying I'll get better!

Kay Day said...

If you are indeed the Danica from WFTJ, then I wouldn't have guessed that you are shy. You were very nice to sit by me the day I attended, so I wouldn't be sitting alone.
I used to be painfully shy. I faked it. And now it only strikes in certain circumstances. The rest of the time, I am making up for lost time! blab blab blab :)

Danica Favorite said...

Kay, it was easy to talk to you because I felt like it was so hard to be there in a strange setting and I figured you felt the same way, so I should probably make you feel better. If that makes sense.

I know how hard it is to be the new person, so I try to be nice to the new person because that's how I'd want to be treated.