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Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 31

December Thanksgiving art journal challenge day 31We did it!! Thirty one days of getting our art journal on! I am having a celebration over here, let me tell you! I have really needed this creative jumpstart in my life, and I'm SO THANKFUL that I did this challenge. Having a creative outlet gives me a way of dealing with all the crazy in my world, and trust me, it has been CRA-ZY. Add on being thankful, and you know, it's been a pretty great month.

I hope this has given you a taste of what both art journaling and a little gratitude can do for you. Or maybe you haven't yet tried it, but it's given you a taste of what it's done for me. Seriously, I usually spend this time of year in a fetal position wondering why my life is so insane. I'd show you my last year's art journal proving it, but guess what? I tend to skip that activity when times get tough. Wrong answer.

When life is at its most crazy, that is when you most need to take time to slow down, and do something like art journal.

We always have the excuse of being too busy or not having time, but the truth is, without something to give us pause or rest, it's never going to get better. We wait for the perfect moment, or when things slow down, and I'm finding that it never happens. Every stage at which I think my life will get better or easier, it turns out that the old crazy just turns into a new crazy. Make the time now.

If you didn't start the art journal challenge on day one, that's okay. Go back and do it. Start wherever you are, wherever you want. As I said in the introduction, I purposely chose the notecards to make it easy and do-able. You saw how some of my entries were hasty and scribbled. Some took more time. But all of them gave me a much-needed injection of sanity in my otherwise crazy life.

If you've been with me this whole time, congratulations!! You made a great start on an art journal. Now you have 19 more pages to fill with stuff. A cover to decorate. The possibilities are endless, so make the most of them! Fill up that book!

I don't have a clever transition, and as I've said before, it happens, and that's okay. If you've learned anything from reading these blogs, you'll know that my space is a very grace-filled space, and I'm sharing it with you.

Today's art journal challenge is: Your favorite moment of the past year

Here is my journal entry:
"I am so thankful for this year! 2014 was such a magical year for me. So many wonderful things happened, and a lot of my dreams came true. But I will pick a moment- holding my first book. I've worked so hard and waiting so long, it was a thrill. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Can you pick a favorite moment this past year to be thankful for?


I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the art journal challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 30

Dece,ber Thanksgiving art journal challenge day 30Here we are at today's art journal challenge, and this is where I realized that my originality was flagging. I started drawing a dollar bill to symbolize the money in my wallet, and then I remembered I'd already drawn a dollar bill. But you know, it's not about being the most creative or original, and my picture still ended up being different. So if you think this looks similar to something I've already done, you can check out Day 11. There, I even gave you the cheat. :)

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the perfectionism of coming up with good ideas, or new ideas, that we get stuck and don't move forward. And that's not okay. Let whatever needs to come out, come out. And if it's a dumb idea, or ugly, or a repeat, or even (as I think this one is) a less good version of something you've already done, so what?

Your art journal is a place to let it all out.

Don't let that stuff stay stuck inside you. If what you want to express is something you've already expressed before, express it. The new ideas, the pretty ideas, the things you wish you could say or do, they aren't going to come until you get all the other junk out of the way. The best thing about your art journal is that it is a place where you can freely express yourself without worrying about the censor.

Even with the topic, I was tempted to find something more interesting or more spiritual to post about, but you know what? I really am grateful for the money in my wallet. I mentioned a couple days ago that sometimes you have to censor yourself publicly in the interest of not offending people. But sometimes, you also have to be willing to just be you.

Today's art journal challenge is something in your wallet.

Here is my entry:

"I am so thankful for all the cash I have in my wallet. I usually don't carry cash, but lately I have been, and it makes me feel really happy to have cash. I don't know why, but I like it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

To quote a commercial, "What's in your wallet?"


I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the art journal challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 29

December Thanksgiving art journal challenge day 29This is the point at which I admit to not knowing the day of the week or date when my kids are not in school. If they're not around to remind of the passing of the days, I get lost in my own little world and forget. I guess that's not really a bad thing, unless, of course, you're committed to doing things on a certain day- like posting your art journal. Usually I'm not a fan of having my kids on break because they are always SO BORED. Well, not they. Just Princess.

But this break, she's been doing all kinds of projects, and because her sister has been sick, she and I have had a lot of one on one time together. She likes doing art journal projects with me, and we're always finding fun things to do together. Or, I'll sit and work, and she'll find a project to do. My supply area is a mess largely because she's always getting in there and playing. Part of me hates the disorder, but part of me loves being able to create with my daughter.

One of the things I really love about this art journal challenge is that I CAN do it with my kids.

If you haven't watched my introductory video to this art journal challenge, I encourage you to do so! You'll see Princess helping me out.


Today's  art journal topic is: A Family Member

I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that I wrote about Princess. I printed out a picture and glued it in, nothing fancy, but it still holds a special place in my heart.

Here is my entry:
"I am so thankful for my sweet little princess. We've had precious time this past month, and I have really been focused on enjoying her. She has such a good heart, and it warms mine to be her mommy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Your turn: Share about a family member you're thankful for!

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the art journal challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 28

December Thanksgiving art journal challenge day 28And here we are, Day 28, actually on Day 28. Wahoo!! I'm caught up! I've signed up for tons of art journal challenges and classes over the years, and I seem to struggle getting through it and making it to the end. So to be on day 28 ON day 28 is something of a Christmas miracle for me! That, and I think the accountability of having publicly said that I'll do it is a big help!

Today I moved away from the idea of having Christmas theme, because I know some people are already sick of Christmas. Me, I've had such a great Christmas season that I don't mind it so much. I kind of like going up to bed at night and seeing my Christmas tree lit up. It keeps me from tripping over stuff. ;)

The other reason I think I'm not sick of Christmas stuff is how deliberate I've been about being thankful this season, rather than being focused on the other junk. You know, like the fact that all you want is a gallon of milk and you have to circle the parking lot twenty times to find a spot.

I've done a lot of things differently this season, but having my art journal has really helped.

Every evening, before bed, I do a number of little things to bring my center back to what's important to me, what really matters. Spending time with my art journal is part of it. I know that some people do it first thing in the morning, but I still can't get into the habit of waking up early.  Plus, it's easier during a busy time for me to stay up late, especially when it's in a life-giving activity like working in my art journal.

Yeah, so this is the part where I admit to having written and re-written the rest of this entry, so I'll just cut to the chase. No neat and tidy lead-ins, just the bare truth. Today's entry is a little raw, mostly because it forced me to look at the fact that this is probably my dog's last Christmas with us. I didn't want to be depressing, but there it is. He's fifteen, diabetic, has mobility issues, and can't control his potty behaviors.

Today's art journal topic is: An animal.

Here is my entry:
"I am thankful for my dog. He's really old and I know our time with him is really short. I have to remember how thankful I am for him and his "presents" remind me of him of his presence- he is still here. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Your turn: Share about an animal you are thankful for.

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the art journal challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 26

art journal challenge www.danicafavorite.comWell, here is another embarrassed post about being behind on my art journal posts. But I think that's why I told you to begin with that you should sign up for my newsletter and get the calendar. And, this is why I made it an easy challenge, with an easy journal for this busy month. The good news is that I've kept up on my art journal at home- I just didn't manage to find time to blog about it. Such is my life. So here I am, catching up on life, and okay, I'm procrastinating on finishing cleaning my office, setting goals, and a few other work things. So why not get those posts done, right?

I know, I'm terrible, but truthfully, my messy office has kept me from a lot of creative activity lately. I don't know why, but it seems like when my office is a mess, it's hard for me to think and be creative. My art journal supplies are scattered in weird places, and it's hard to create when you don't know where stuff is! It made me downright giddy to find the missing lid to one of my pens. It's the small things, I know.

Which is why, in doing this particular challenge, I focused more on the small things as well. So many times at the holidays, we focus on giving that big fancy gift. And you know, those gifts are all good and well. I've done a few of those. But this year, I gave a lot of small but thoughtful gifts. And the crazy thing is, I've never seen my kids happier about their presents.

Today's art journal challenge is: The best gift you gave

For today's art journal, I took a piece of wrapping paper I liked (from a gift hubby received) and glued it down to my page. Then I did a few doodles to make it look pretty. Not a lot of work or talent involved there, and again, I like to point out stuff like that because I want you to know how easy it is for you to jump in and do it yourself! Creativity is like any other muscle, the more you use it, the better you get.

Here is my entry for today(ish):

"The best gift I gave was that everyone in the family got warm fuzzy blankets to cuddle up in. It was so nice seeing everyone so happy and warm. Everyone has been wanting new blankets for a while, and I'm so thankful we could do it. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

What was the best gift you gave this year?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the art journal challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Friday, December 26, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 25

December Thanksgiving Art Journal challengeMerry Christmas! I'm a day late on the December Thanksgiving art journal challenge, but I hope with the holidays, you understand. :) And, to be perfectly honest, I didn't know what to write about or put in my art journal. I know, that sounds like a cop-out, but the truth is, I wanted to put in too much! I feel like I am overflowing with blessings, and I'm so filled with gratitude that it's hard for me to express all of the things I want to express. Every time I think I have it all nailed down, I realize that there is so much more to be thankful for.

I think the greatest gift of creative activity is that we get to adapt things to suit our needs. You may have noticed that I've done it several times with this challenge, so it should come as no surprise that I've done it here again.

Today's art journal challenge is: The best gift you've received.

Here is my art journal entry:
"I am so thankful for all the gifts I have received. I wish I could pick one, but I can't. It seems like the more I think about all the blessings I've received, the more precious each and every one is to me. I am so blessed. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Take some time in your art journal today to express your thanks for the best gift you've received.

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 24

2014-12-24 22.44.38Merry Christmas!! It's still Christmas Eve at my house, and I'm sitting in my office, listening to Christmas music, and enjoying the peace of the evening. All this mommy wanted for Christmas was a clean house, and I sort of got it. I tried, but we have a bathroom under construction, so hubby was too busy with that to help me. I'd rather a working toilet in that bathroom, so I think I'll give him a pass. :)

After spending the day cleaning (I know, so glamorous!) and working on house projects, we went to Christmas Eve service, then came home, did some cooking, and then had some yummy appetizers. After dinner, we played games as a family. Not the most exciting night, but for my little one, it was her Christmas dream come true.

In a way, I think Christmas is about dreams coming true. For years, the Jews had longed for the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus fulfilled that dream. He didn't come in the way people thought he would, and I wonder if that's like a lot of our dreams. I know none of mine have happened the way I thought they would.

Today's art journal challenge is a symbol of the season.

There are so many lovely symbols of the season, and as I sat in church tonight, I was overwhelmed by the beauty and majesty of it all. Ultimately, when I sat down to do my art journal, my shallow, pretty shiny need won out. I am talking, of course, about my silver and gold sharpies. I seriously love my sharpies. And whenever I get an excuse to whip out the silver and gold ones, I go to town. Which meant I had to choose the symbol that most readily allowed me to play with my pretty shiny pens.

But that's okay, because I think the star is just one more example of things not happening the way people thought they would. No fireworks or loud trumpets. Just a beautiful star, which, from a human perspective, especially back then, is nothing spectacular. But if you know anything about stars, and you see the pictures of stars up close, they're absolutely amazing. I imagine that the star God chose to herald Jesus's birth was breathtaking.

Here is my entry for today:
"I am so thankful for the star as a symbol of the season. I love the comfort of knowing that God gave such a wonderful, easy to follow sign. For me the star is a sign that we are not alone. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

What symbol of the season is meaningful to you?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 23

2014-12-24 00.01.16Ah, the busy season of the holidays. I've been pretty good about being prepared, but, as always seems to happen, I got caught up in some last minute things for the holiday. Even though it was less stressful than anticipated, I'm not fond of crowds, so having to be out in the middle of them wasn't my idea of fun. I did find that people were much friendlier than anticipated, so it was a nice surprise.

However, after my stressful day, just as I was getting ready to eat dinner, I realized that we'd almost forgotten our dance lesson. So away we went, getting to the studio just in time. Last spring, hubby finally agreed to my dream of taking dance lessons. Years ago, before we were married, I'd go out swing dancing with friends. It was so much fun. But hubby didn't know how to dance and wasn't a very good dancer, so I gave it up. But all these years, I've really missed dancing.

At first, hubby tolerated it because it made me so happy. But now, he really has fun with it too. So when we went to our lesson tonight, it was a much needed stress reliever. And, it got my heart pumping in a good way, a nice way to burn off all the holiday calories and make me feel good.

I'm not a fan of exercise, and to be honest, I don't like the feeling of getting my heart rate going. But when I dance... ah, now that makes me feel good. I even forget how much I hate to sweat!

Today's art journal challenge is your heartbeat.

And let me tell you, as much as we don't think about our heartbeat, it's definitely something to be thankful for. Well, okay, you knew that. But how often do we express thanks for our heartbeat? Tonight I was very much reminded it was there after some great dances.

Here is today's art journal entry:
"I am so thankful for my heartbeat. It's one of those things that's always there for us that we never think about- how miraculous it is to have something so essential to life be automatic. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Take the time to express your thanks for your heartbeat today!


I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Monday, December 22, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 22

2014-12-22 21.47.09Whew! We made it! Or at least I made it through this crazy day. Still have a sick kid, had a bunch of work stuff, and then I had some errands to run. The good news is that I am almost ready for Christmas, with the exception of grocery shopping. For which I may need the accompaniment of a militia. Seriously. I had to run in and get my daughter some more cold medicine, and I was almost afraid for my life. Especially when I noticed that I'd taken the last bottle off the shelf. Fortunately, no one noticed, and I managed to get out of there alive. With the cold medicine.

I came home and have been happily sipping my tea ever since. Which makes today's challenge so perfect.

Today's art journal challenge is your favorite beverage.

Okay, fine, I drink tea every day, so it's not at all coincidental that my lovely tea time happened today. But days like today, or ordinary days, or even wonderful days, they all call for a cup of tea. Today I'm drinking an herbal blend to boost my immune system so I don't get the crud my daughter has. The funny thing about my love for tea is that even though I have it every day, I never tire of it. Some flavors get old, but with all the varieties of tea I have, I can always switch them out. I drink my tea plain, so I never have to worry about the extra sugar or calories.

Here is my art journal entry for today:
"I am so thankful for tea. I love tea so super duper much. I drink tea all the time, and I am so thankful for the many varieties I have available to me. I'm also thankful that something I love so much is healthy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

What is your favorite beverage? How can you express your thanks for it?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 21

2014-12-21 23.17.56The good thing about knowing what art journal challenge is coming up is that sometimes you can plan ahead what you're going to do. Which is why, if you haven't signed up for my newsletter to get the PDF, you should! The bad thing about planning ahead what you're going to do is that stuff happens, like your kid gets sick, and you go into ninja decontamination mode. I might admit to taking a few more naps than usual because it's so exhausting, because I refuse to admit that anyone else in this house is getting sick. My body is working in perfect harmony and all of my cells are doing exactly what a healthy body needs them to do. Fortunately, I made homemade chicken noodle soup today, and it was really tasty, so I'm sure everyone will be feeling better soon.

But that leaves me with the conundrum of what to do about today's art journal challenge.

Today's art journal challenge is somewhere you've gone in the past week.

On Friday, I helped chaperone Cowgirl's school trip to the museum. I had planned on printing out a gorgeous picture I'd taken and gluing it in my art journal. But with everything going on around here this weekend, it didn't happen. So, I drew a scene from the insanity known as taking a bunch of teenagers to the museum. In case you didn't know, teenagers are just like toddlers, only larger and with hormones. Plus, I think toddlers might listen better. I've taken several of the kids' classes to the museum over the years, and I'm pretty sure this trip is a new record of the number of times I had to say, "please don't touch that," to the kids.

I also think we went through the entire museum in record time, leaving us with about 30 minutes at the end of kids whining, "but we already saw that," and "my legs are tired, can't we just sit?" I found a lovely seating area that overlooked the lake and downtown, and my little group of miscreants happily sat on the chairs and started playing on their phones. I sat with Cowgirl, and while we both expressed regret over not getting to enjoy the museum, we certainly enjoyed the view.

Taking her class to the museum reminded me of how grateful I am to have her as my daughter. Not only is she a thousand, maybe even a million, times more well-behaved, but I genuinely like being with her. We always have great conversations, and she has a lot of interesting things to say. Going to the museum with her is usually a lot of fun. And even though we set a new museum speed record with her class, we still had a lot of fun.

Here is my art journal entry:
"I am so thankful that I went to the museum with Cowgirl and her class. Even though the kids were bratty, it was such a sweet time with my girl, and I'm so glad I got to spend the day with her. I love being with my girl. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Where did you go this week that you're thankful for?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 20

2014-12-21 22.45.54And so here we are at Danica doing the obligatory art journal page. Sometimes, when you're doing a daily whatever, there comes that moment when your heart wants to be there, but it isn't, but you know you have to do it anyway. That's where I'm at today. I've got a sick kiddo and I'm trying to keep the rest of us healthy. So my mind is not at all on keeping up with my art journal challenge.

Today's art journal challenge is something you've never taken the time to be thankful for.

I struggled with this topic, because right now, I'm thankful for a lot of things, but they're things I've been thankful for before. Like my sweet daughter upstairs in her bed, fighting whatever ick is plaguing her. I'm thankful that even though it's miserable watching her suffer, I know she'll be okay. I'm thankful that the rest of my family is healthy. I'm thankful for my homemade chicken noodle soup. I'm thankful for tea.

I'm thankful for our warm, comfortable home. Believe it or not, that was a big one for me this afternoon as I left church and said hello to the homeless people already waiting outside for the meal we serve after our second service. I couldn't help but think how wonderfully lucky I am that I have a warm home to go to. I wondered what it was like for the homeless when they got sick. I imagined how hard it must be to have to worry about finding a warm, safe place to stay on top of fighting a bad cold. I am so thankful that my life is different.

And so here I am, struggling to figure out what to be thankful for that I haven't taken the time to be thankful for. Loads, I'm sure, and sometimes that's the challenge of these challenges. The things that come to mind aren't always what you're supposed to be thinking about. And that's okay.

I finally did come up with something in the spirit of the challenge, and yes, I know that I'm a day late. But hey, it's something. I think sometimes the most important lesson of these challenges is that you have to be willing to give yourself grace. It's also a fine example of a hurried drawing, and given my state of mind, I think that's okay too.

One of the greatest joys in giving myself permission to put up imperfect and rushed work is that it loosens the hold of the perfectionism that often grips me.

It's important to me to share my progress as I work through the temptation toward perfectionism. Sometimes I think these roadblocks and days like today are there to remind me just how human I am, and how lucky I am to be where I am. More importantly, it points to something my pastor said today (paraphrased by me) about us being completely unable to have a relationship with God without Christ. Sometimes I think my perfectionism is a mask to cover up my fear of not being enough. The truth is, I'm not enough. And I don't have to be.

So there it is. My inability to draw, and I'm sharing it with you because I want to encourage those of you who buy into the talk that you're not good enough. None of us are good enough, and that's okay. And even though today's art journal, in the sense of the challenge, might look like a failure, I'm thinking that it got me thinking about some pretty good stuff, and that's a win in my book.

Today's entry reads:

"I am so thankful for the little space heater in my office. I love how it makes me toasty warm which makes me super happy. I love to be warm and it makes my office so cozy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

What can you be thankful for that you haven't been thankful for before?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Friday, December 19, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 19

2014-12-19 22.59.21Today's art journal is an awesome example of what I like to call, "it looked really cool in my head." What you see before you, not so much. And that's okay. I think sometimes our brains have these really cool ideas that the rest of our bodies, in my case, my hands, are not ready for yet. I did that the other day. Princess was showing me some of her gymnastics moves, and one reminded me of a yoga pose I used to know how to do. I tried it, and ended up looking like a total fool flopping over the living room. And of course, as soon as Daddy got home, she had to tell him all about Mommy's crazy thing she did.

But I wouldn't trade the experience of at least trying to get what's in my head out there. I'm going to need a lot more drawing lessons if I ever hope to have any passing chance of drawing a decent picture. I'm going to need a lot more practice if I'm ever going to be flexible enough to try some of the tricks I used to be able to do with ease. Sure, if you don't try, you can still be as good as you think you are in your head. But where's the fun in that? Where's the belly laugh as you lay flopped out on the couch because you just did something totally ridiculous, and, if you're honest with yourself, totally fun?

One of the things I love about art journaling is that it is a safe place to experiment with those visions in your head, let yourself be ridiculous, and just have fun with it. I can't be ridiculous all the time, but sometimes, it's really cool to be able to let go. There's plenty of time and room in the world for us to be serious and responsible adults.

But when we give our brains room to play and try something different, we keep our brains active, healthy, and ready for the grown up challenges we face.

None of that, of course, has anything to do with the actual topic of today's art journal challenge. After all, as much as sensible Danica likes everything to tie up in neat bows, and the writer in me needs a perfect transition, sometimes it doesn't happen. And sometimes, I need to let that be okay.

Today's art journal challenge is your breath.

Here is my art journal entry:
"I am so thankful for my breath. Especially given that so many are sick and struggling to breathe. Thank you Lord for my beautiful, healthy, full breath and the way it works perfectly in my body. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

How can you give thanks for your breath today?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 18

2014-12-18 23.21.28Zowie, I'm tired. It's been a long day, and I took on a semi big project. My office has been a mess lately, so today I went ahead and started cleaning it. And by cleaning, I mean reorganizing and finding places for things. And filing. Yikes. Does anyone hate filing as much as I do? The good news is that I have all of my tax receipts organized so at least that big job is done. Because I don't have a regular desk, that means I spent a few hours on the floor tonight organizing things.

How does that apply to today's art journal challenge?

Easy, since today's art journal challenge is about clothes, I was super happy to be wearing comfy pants. It's so much easier to move around and sit on the floor when you're wearing comfortable clothes.

But I also hope you take some time to look at my picture. It's pretty pathetic. Seriously, I wish you could see it up close and see how badly I messed up the arms. This isn't me trying to get people to say how terrible I am, but to point out that even though my drawing of myself has freakishly weird arms, it brought me joy to make it.

Bad art is still worthy of your art journal.

I think we spend so much time trying to get things perfect that we miss the joy of making art. I can't draw a person to save my life, and I don't care. Maybe some of you look at this and think, "wow, she's really bad, she needs to keep the day job." I'm good with that. I don't aspire to show my work in a gallery or make millions off of it. I like making pictures because the act of creation brings joy to my heart. Not being perfect reminds me that I don't have to be! God loves me and my art just as much as if my art were comparable to Michelangelo's. What He's looking at is my heart and my desire to open my heart to creativity.

So if you've been on the fence, wondering if you can do this art thing, go ahead and try it. Creating is fun, and it's even more fun when you aren't putting pressure on yourself to perform.

Today's challenge is the clothes you're wearing.

My entry reads:
"I am so thankful for my grey fuzzy pants. They are my favorite most comfortable pants. I love wearing them, and I'm glad to have something so warm and cozy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

What are you thankful about in terms of the clothes you're wearing?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Day 17: Water

2014-12-17 21.38.39It's a good thing I like these colors, because as you saw, I used them in the previous day's challenge as well. One of the things I've learned with my busy kids, is that I still have to carve time out for myself, to do things I love. If that means working on my art journal while waiting for them at their activities, then that's what I do. I have pictures last year of me at play practice, working on revisions for a book. I sat in the corner revising while the kids were all on stage practicing. Sometimes I'd take a break and watch my kids, and when they weren't doing anything, I got a lot of work done. By the end of the play, I'd revised a book, and I'm pretty sure I knew everyone in the play's lines as well as they did. :)

All that kid watching makes a mom thirsty, which is why it's fun that the topic today is water. Sometimes, sitting in a gym or auditorium with bold signs clearly saying, "no food or drink," it's annoying to have to get up, go outside, get a drink, then come back in. And yet... I think about all the people who are walking miles to get dirty water because it's all they have. So it's good to be reminded of just how fortunate we all are. We're given so much and we take it for granted. That's why I don't mind rushing from kid activity to kid activity. I get to be there for my kids, when a lot of parents out there can't. I get to walk outside and get a drink of water, when a lot of people in the world can't.

Being grateful for the little things makes me remember just how very fortunate I am to be able to take them for granted.

Because we do take a lot of things for granted. Water is just one of them, and even though we're aware that others aren't as lucky, we don't always take the time to say thank you. I love having the opportunity to recognize that and to really take the time to be thankful.

Today's art journal topic is water.

My art journal entry reads:
"I am so thankful for water. Water is another thing we take for granted, and yet we're so lucky to have good, clean water at our disposal. I'm thirsty right now and grateful that I can go have some. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

How can you be thankful for water today?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Day 16

2014-12-17 21.38.28Advance warning: if you think I used the same colors in Day 16 and Day 17, you are correct. I worked on my art journal at my daughter's holiday band concert. Um, not the concert itself. During the really boring part before the concert starts because you have to get your kid there super early. I think that's what I love about this challenge- it's so easy and portable. Right now, it seems like I am always on the go, and it doesn't promise to stop anytime soon. Boo! But that's what I'm really loving about having my art journal.

During the  stressful moments, my art journal helps me relax and unwind.

See those swirly swishes? They made me happy, as I drew them, making little swishy noises. Not that you have to make the noises, but for me, they felt good, and it was a nice way to unwind after spending the afternoon running from one place to the other.

I also loved that today's challenge was about something we take for granted all the time- air. I had no idea when I planned this challenge how the different items would so nicely coincide with the needs I had that day. It felt like I hardly had time to breathe yesterday, and slowing down to be thankful for air made me realize that despite my lack of thanksgiving, air is still always there for me. With everything on my plate, I don't have to take time to think about breathing, or air, and that makes me feel really good.

Today's art journal challenge is air.

Here's what I wrote in my art journal:
"I'm so thankful for air- it's all around us and affects us in so many ways, yet we never think about it. I'm so thankful that we don't have to think about it. It is always there for us, supporting us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

How can you be thankful for air?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Monday, December 15, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 15

2014-12-15 19.28.02Ah, finally caught up! It seems like December is the month for being crazy, feeling like you're behind, and that there aren't enough hours in the day. Precisely why I created this challenge. If you're just starting, or if you did one day and then got behind, that's okay. Do what you can, when you can. But take the time to be thankful.

You can't really tell in the picture, but I totally messed up my stick figure. Who can mess up a stick figure, right? But you know, I think that's what I love about it. I like how imperfect and messy my art journal gets because it's a reminder that none of us have to be perfect. So get messy. Let your art be what it is.

Here we are at day fifteen, and we've already uncovered so many things to be thankful for. My art journal is full of fifteen days of being thankful. Fifteen things that I can acknowledge as moments of gratitude. And that makes my days brighter.

No matter what stress you're under, gratitude eases the burden.

So my encouragement to you, no matter what your days are like, even when you don't have time to write a blog like I'm doing, grab your index cards and do a quick entry, giving thanks to what you do have. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the bizarre.

Today's art journal gratitude challenge is sleep.

We're all so busy and at least in my case, lacking sleep. So let's be grateful for the sleep we are getting.

Here's my entry for today: "I'm so thankful for sleep. I am a little cranky because I was tired today and tried taking a nap but got woken up. This is a good reminder to me that I need to be thankful for every minute of sleep I do get. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

How can you be thankful for sleep?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 14

2014-12-15 19.23.32I found a new fun craft to do the other day. I went to my knitting group, hoping to do some knitting, but instead, one of the gals came with a new craft to teach us- quilling! We spent the evening making lovely snowflakes out of paper, and it felt good to be working on a craft that was not only easy, but something I've read about in historicals. How cool to be doing something that women have done for hundreds of years.

Not only did we have fun at knitting group, but then I brought some supplies home and taught my daughter. She loves it too!

Today's art journal challenge is someone you've talked to in this past week.

I'm so grateful for the group of women in my knitting group. Talking to them always brings me great joy and comfort. Some of my favorite people are in that group, and I'm very thankful for them.

My entry reads: "I am so thankful for talking to my friend Christa this week because she taught me about paper quilling and I really love this fun and easy craft. I am really enjoying it. I love the ladies in my knitting group- they are so encouraging. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Who have you talked to in this past week that you're thankful for?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 13

2014-12-15 19.23.24I spent all day Saturday working on revisions for one of my books. I holed up at a local Panera and wrote, wrote, wrote. And deleted, deleted, deleted. And wrote some more. The story I'm working on is one that I love. I really want to get it right. So I spent a lot of time going over my words, looking at what I'd written, and, most important, looking at the revision notes from my editor.

I'm so thankful to have an editor who takes the time to go through my stories and make good suggestions. They definitely made the story better, so it was nice to be able to sit down and get it all done.

Which makes for perfect timing of this art journal challenge.

Today's art journal challenge is something you read today.

My art journal reads:

"I am so thankful for reading my revision letter today. It is something I've been working on and I'm grateful today that I had the letter to review so I can make my book better. I really love this story and I love making it better. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 12

2014-12-15 19.23.15Okay, so my intention to blog every day didn't pan out so well. It ended up being a really busy weekend, and I'm just now finding my land legs. So I apologize if you've been waiting for my blog posts to get the daily challenges. The good news is that for those who subscribe to my newsletter, you get a free PDF calendar of all the challenges so you won't have to wait on me.

I did Friday's challenge while listening to my girls practice the piano. I don't know why, but it always makes me happy to listen to music live. Especially Christmas music. So to hear my girls play Christmas songs, well, it's a good day!

Today's art journal challenge is a sound you heard today.

My art journal entry:
"I'm so thankful for the sound of my girls playing Christmas carols. It's such a beautiful joyful sound. Even with the missed keystrokes and hesitations, it's so beautiful to have this music live and be present with the sounds of the season. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

What sound are you thankful for today?

I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

December Thanksgiving Art Journal Challenge Day 11

2014-12-11 22.20.15Wow... I can't believe I'm on Day 11. 11 days in a row of blogging might be close to a record for me, and given my busy week, I'm super proud of myself. I'm also slightly delirious from lack of quality sleep. :) But I kind of love it because it's teaching me that I can do so much more than I think!

Today's art journal challenge is how much money you have in your bank account.

This challenge is all about money, and really taking time to be grateful for every penny you have. We do a lot of general thanksgiving, but not a lot of specific thank yous. I say, "thanks for the provision of money" all the time, but not so much for every single penny. Yet those pennies add up. When I made up the challenge, I intended to look at all the money I have everywhere, but when I did my actual journal, I was on the run and not able to look up exactly what was in my bank account. Probably for the best, because I probably shouldn't blog to the penny how much money I have. So instead, I just gave thanks for the exact amount of cash in my wallet at the time- $37.11. For me, it felt really good to be thankful for a number.

Instead of saying, "I'm thankful for my money," to say, "I'm thankful for all thirty seven dollars and eleven cents," feels more solid and more appreciative.

As I was working on my art journal, the song, "Price Tag" by Jessie J. was going through my head, so the border is some of the lyrics from the song, just pieces and not really accurate, but I love her thought of just wanting to make the world dance. I can't really do that with music, since I'm pretty sure more people would pay to get me to NOT sing, but I think with my writing and helping people be comfortable with making art, even bad art, it makes their hearts dance, and that's kind of the same thing, right?


My art journal entry reads:
"I am so thankful for all the money I have in the bank. Since I'm not at home, all I have is what's in my wallet, and I'm so grateful for all $37.11 of it. I am thankful for each and every penny in my account, for every one of them provides something for our family. It's not about the money, but about the wonderful things it brings. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

How much money do you have? Take the time to be grateful for each and every penny.


I'd love for you to share your art journal masterpieces. You can either post them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #DecemberThanksgiving, or feel free to email me if you want to keep it private.

And, if you'd like to receive a PDF with all the challenges for this month, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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