This, my friends, is the friends to lovers story, a modern day marriage of convenience. I put on one of my favorite movies, Someone Like You, and I realized that Hugh and Ashley are the perfect Peter and Britta.
Can I just say there is no experience more joyful for me than sitting down and creating new stories? It's so funny, I've been stressing about process lately, and I hear about character worksheets and all that, and I have a really hard time with it. I finally realized that I'm a weird combo writer. I need about the first 50-75 pages to stretch my legs, figure out who these people are, what their deal is, and anything prior to that is a collosal waste of my time. How do I know what their favorite color is, their worst fears, their greatest hopes, without ever spending time with them? I need those first few chapters to really dig in. However, once I get them figured out, I need a synopsis to keep me grounded. Half pantser, half plotter. Gotta love it. So here I am, almost at page 50, and I'm finally starting to get a feel for these guys. Probably in about another twenty pages, I can write a decent synopsis, and then I'll be off...
Of course, I haven't exactly committed to this book, because right now, nothing feels quite right. But I'll get there. Until then, keep my folks happy, and if they tell you anything about their story, do share.
Off to discover some more about this crazy pair!
(Oh, and while they LOOK the characters in the movie, they act nothing like them. Peter is an uptight financial genius, and Britta is a free-spirited caterer. She is going to tear his universe apart. *rubbing hands evilly together*)
I just reminded myself of something. For all my threats to kill people off in my books, there is really a lack of dead bodies in my books. Since I'm not at synopsizing phase yet, when I am there, will someone remind me that I need to kill someone in this book?
I'm a half-panster, half-plotter too.
I love this movie!
Good luck with the new story! And don't forget to knock somebody off! Preferably in some horrible fashion. ;)
I'm like 70/30 panster plotter. lol I tend to kill my creativity if I try to plot too far in advance. But then, I've not completed a MS yet, either. lol
Knocking people off is so rewarding, isn't it? I so need to do that RIGHT NOW.
don't forget to kill someone off...
Heather, don't make me kill you...
You know... you sure threaten me a lot... makes a person wonder
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